Career orientation day with the Virtual University Fair - career-orientation-day-with-the-virtual-university-fair
30 September, 2020

Career orientation day with the Virtual University Fair

On Monday 21 September, OIC students spent an informative day learning more about their future degrees and universities during a Virtual University Fair. The event lasted between 8:30am and 6:55pm, encompassing a range of career and university advice: from expert admissions tips, through global university application guide, to interactive session for different career groups. The presentations were delivered by a range of speakers, recruited by the Supercurricular Department from institutions around the world. Notable talks included:
  • How to stand out during COVID-19 by Anisa Atlasi, International Officer, University of Manchester
  • University College London (UCL) – UCL, studying in London and the G5 by Musti Ali, Liaison and Recruitment Officer, University College London
  • Biosciences by Matt Lloyd, International Recruitment and Development Officer, University of Manchester
  • Business, Management and Finance by Mike Nicholson, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach, University of Bath
  • Interactive session for all students – ‘Law and order’ by Stephanie Willmott, Senior Graduate Ambassador, Newcastle University London
  • My experiences of studying in the USA by Kristina Kim (Yale University alumna)
  • Study in Australia and New Zealand by Sarah Nash, Director of Study Options
The full booklet of the Virtual Career Day can be found here.