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News image Live the experience of studying abroad in one of our NAE Schools! - live-the-experience-of-studying-abroad-in-one-of-our-nae-schools News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Trips & Expeditions | Whole School News
Live the experience of studying abroad in one of our NAE Schools!
Ready to expand your child’s learning experience? Nord Anglia Education’s Study Abroad program (NAE Abroad) is the perfect choice; intended to provide an experience for NAE learners from around the world, including students from Brazil.
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News image Year 3 Trip to the Botanical Garden - year-3-trip-to-the-botanical-garden News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Year 3 Trip to the Botanical Garden
The Year 3 children had the most wonderful day at the Botanical Gardens of Sao Paulo this Wednesday March 9th, 2022.
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News image IGCSE - IBDP Geography  Fieldtrip to the River Paraitinga - igcse--ibdp-geography-fieldtrip-to-the-river-paraitinga News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
IGCSE - IBDP Geography Fieldtrip to the River Paraitinga
Despite challenging conditions, students on the IGCSE and IBDP - Geography curriculum, found their fieldtrip to the River Paraitinga a rewarding experience.
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News image The British College of Brazil marks its presence at the Global Games in Orlando. - the-british-college-of-brazil-marks-its-presence-at-the-global-games-in-orlando News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
The British College of Brazil marks its presence at the Global Games in Orlando.
It seems like our students are having lots of fun on their first days at Global Games in Windermere - Orlando.
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News image International Award - international-award News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
International Award
At the end of October, on what could have been a leisurely early summer weekend, our intrepid International Award group set out on expedition over the Mantiqueira Mountains from Horto Florestal National Park over the mountains to Monteverde.
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