Mr. Ben Holman
01 November, 2019

Head of Secondary Blog - Secondary School Student Leadership Roars Ahead!

“BCB secondary is a very positive community. We have many house competitions and different ECA's which can encourage students to interact with different people and get a chance at trying something new. The BCB secondary has many house competitions which encourage and develop our house members with leadership skills and teamwork skills. We have very strong student leaders and very positive and supportive teachers. Overall the atmosphere at BCB secondary is very positive.”
A BCB student's testimonial
A BCB student's testimonial
Head of Secondary Blog - Secondary School Student Leadership Roars Ahead!  I wrote briefly in my blog on the 30th August about student leadership and it is safe to say that ́student leadership becomes the topic on everyone's lips here at BCB. The act of leadership is a personal journey that involves bringing ourselves to our leadership experiences, development and learning (Haber - Curran; Tillapaugh, 2017) . One example of student leadership at BCB is the ́new ́ house captains. This year we have four cats; lions, tigers, panthers and jaguars. Student involvement in this initiative will inevitably strengthen an already tangible connection between pupils and the school ́.

I wrote briefly in my blog on the 30th August about student leadership and it is safe to say that ́student leadership becomes the topic on everyone's lips here at BCB. The act of leadership is a personal journey that involves bringing ourselves to our leadership experiences, development and learning (Haber - Curran; Tillapaugh, 2017) . One example of student leadership at BCB is the ́new ́ house captains. This year we have four cats; lions, tigers, panthers and jaguars. Student involvement in this initiative will inevitably strengthen an already tangible connection between pupils and the school ́.



We have plenty of ́ambitious pupils to state their vision for leadership. We also welcome our student council………..which is exciting with a view to pupil and adult leadership working together to move BCB forward in terms of the well being of our pupils. It really is the process of leadership which is evermore relevant in education which teaches students important life long soft skills ́ (Shertzer et al, 2005).

Carrying on the theme of student leadership Mrs Davis, Deputy Head of Secondary, conducted an anonymous survey, regarding the perceived impact of student leadership opportunities at BCB and specifically how they impact on student pertinence and wellbeing.

The results were quite remarkable and a testament to the way student leadership and the houses have taken hold in such a short space of time:

96% of BCB secondary students responding last week to the student survey, an overwhelming majority of 97% think they are being encouraged to be ambitious in all aspects of school life and feel well informed about the variety of school initiatives and events. 91% of the student body surveyed enjoys being part of the newly introduced house system with 95% believing that BCB secondary student leadership is very strong. 94% of students at BCB feel valued and feel that they receive praise and encouragement to better themselves. 96% are proud that they feel part of the positive BCB community and feel happy at school and with over 150 secondary students attending tonight’s Halloween is evidence of this. 

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