Our boarding students' health, happiness, and wellbeing are our priority. We'll provide the outstanding support, care, and guidance your child needs to thrive.


Our goal is for every student to develop the habits that lead a fulfilling, successful life.

We believe that a nutritious diet, plenty of physical activity, and strong social relationships are essential to a healthy lifestyle. Our school provides personalised health and wellness guidance to all our students, as well as round-the-clock support on campus.

Good health starts in the kitchen. At Collège Champittet, we employ an expert catering service, Eldora, that provides an array of healthy food options. If your child has any special dietary requirements, please discuss these with us during the application stage. We'll make every effort to cater to your child’s needs.

In addition to a nutrition-focused dining plan, we encourage students to establish healthy practices around food and eating. Cooking classes are part of the curriculum, and we organise themed meals that celebrate our multicultural student body.


Collège Champittet has developed a health and wellness programme in partnership with the University of Lausanne/École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Sport and Health Centre. The programme is designed to help students feel comfortable in their own bodies and develop lifelong healthy habits.

For any other health concerns, a nurse is present on campus every day during the school week. Our boarding school staff  are trained to administer medicines and care for non-serious issues. We're located close to medical centres and hospitals, with whom we have an excellent relationship. All students are covered by the school’s Swiss medical insurance.

Our bespoke health and wellness programme offers tailored support, including:
  • Annual check-ups.
  • Personalised nutrition plans.
  • Personalised sports and activity plans.
  • Goal tracking.
  • Access to health and wellness experts.
  • One-to-one check-ins.


We offer expert care on campus and in our boarding houses. Day or night, boarding students can discuss any concerns with our in-house team, who are here to offer help and guidance. Students can also make an appointment to speak with our dedicated school counsellor. All conversations are confidential, unless there is concern for the safety of the student or others.

A chaplain is also available on campus, and students are welcome to contact him directly. Our chaplaincy offers various activities, including Catechism courses, Masses, and spiritual retreats. While these activities are aimed primarily at Catholic students, they are open to all students, no matter their religion.