Family Party Nyon - Family Party Nyon
Collège Champittet
31 October, 2023

Parents and children celebrate international culture and community at Family Party

Multicultural diversity is part of what makes our international school so special. At the end of September, parents, students, and staff had the chance to celebrate our global heritage during the Family Party at Collège Champittet Nyon.

A day of food, fun and community

Participants of all ages enjoyed creative and entertaining activities, including oil painting, storytelling sessions, karaoke, and arts and crafts workshops. Children and parents also showcased their artistic talents while giving live music and dance performances to the delight of our audience.

Meanwhile, our multicultural diversity was on full display, with families sharing examples of traditional clothing and cuisine from around the world. More than 20 international cuisines were represented in a delectable buffet, resulting in a delicious culinary journey! It was a fantastic opportunity to not only savour amazing dishes but also exchange international recipes and cooking tips.

Bringing the Champittet family together

The Family Party is just one of many events enabling our community to connect, share experiences and build lasting friendships. Reflecting our school values, these gatherings instil integrity, respect and curiosity in our students. Events like the Family Party are an essential part of their holistic development – and, of course, a lot of fun!

By gathering people of different generations, cultures and backgrounds, we foster a sense of belonging and unity for all. Needless to say, our community plays a huge role in making such events a success.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the organising committee APEC (the Parents’ Association) and to all the participating families who generously supported the Family Party. Their dedication and hard work made this day possible.

In the future, we look forward to hosting more such events, where families can continue to nurture the warm, welcoming and close-knit community of our school. Stay tuned for future gatherings, and thank you for being a part of our wonderful Champittet family!