120 years - 120 trees - 120 years - 120 trees
Collège Champittet
01 December, 2023

120 years, 120 trees! Primary students put down new roots

What better marker of the passage of time than a tree? To celebrate Collège Champittet’s 120th anniversary, our students planted 120 trees on the Pully campus – one tree for each year!

Students from preschool to grade 8 gathered in November to put down new roots and mark the history of our school. Our 6th to 8th graders from the Nyon campus also joined their Pully classmates for this special occasion. In the brisk autumn weather, we all had a terrific time digging in the dirt and planting trees for future generations to enjoy.

Caring for the environment, reconnecting with nature, and celebrating our school

Philippe de Korodi, our Head of School, expressed his enthusiasm: “Never before have our primary school students had the opportunity to plant trees on campus. This exceptional initiative combines three elements: decarbonising the school’s activity, reconnecting children with nature and celebrating the school's anniversary, with no less than 120 trees planted!

“The school is committed to sustainable development, which includes reducing our carbon footprint: the trees will contribute to this goal. Also, building resilience in the digital age invites us to rediscover nature, which is varied and abundant on our verdant Pully campus. I hope that when our students grow up, they’ll come back to school and see how much their tree has grown!”

Let’s continue to care for our environment and cultivate a deep connection with nature. Together, we can grow so much!