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News image MIT Challenge - Living in Space Part. 3 - mit-challenge--living-in-space-part-3 News | steam
MIT Challenge - Living in Space Part. 3
We are excited to announce the last part of our Living in Space MIT Challenge.
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News image MIT Challenge  - Living In Space (Part.2) - mit-challenge--living-in-space-part2 News | steam
MIT Challenge - Living In Space (Part.2)
With more than 250 questions sent to Ariel Ekblaw about living in space on the first part of our MIT Challenge, we are happy to launch the second part of this challenge today. Students have a week to imagine and plan a device to be used in the International Space Station - ISS to improve human experience away from Earth in one of the following areas: Food / Sports & Exercises / Art.
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News image Project Based Learning - Influenced by our Aproach Taken by STEAM and our Collaboration with MIT. - project-based-learning--influenced-by-our-aproach-taken-by-steam-and-our-collaboration-with-mit News | steam
Project Based Learning - Influenced by our Aproach Taken by STEAM and our Collaboration with MIT.
This week in Secondary we launched Project Based Learning* (PBL) which is heavily influenced by the approach taken by STEAM and the collaboration NAE has with The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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News image Design and Technology Celebration - design-and-technology-celebration News | steam
Design and Technology Celebration
We had a special celebration of Design & Technology at the end of February. All classes on both campuses took part in projects linked to their Creative Curriculum learning and worked individually and collaboratively to design and make a variety of different products.
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News image STEAM WEEK - Primary - Cidade Jardim - steam-week--primary--cidade-jardim News | steam
STEAM WEEK - Primary - Cidade Jardim
The STEAM week was great success and all of the children were active and engaged. The event demonstrated the creativity and talents of our children at the school.
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News image Summer Programme | The British College of Brazil | Nord Anglia - summer-programme News | steam | Highlights
Summer Programme
Students can now take part in a summer programme at the Village School, in Houston, Texas.
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