Mr. Ben Holman
06 September, 2019

Head of Secondary Blog

Head of Secondary Blog Teaching and Learning at BCB!

During this first month, I have been in classrooms observing teaching and learning and have had the pleasure of experiencing high quality lessons set in collaborative and highly engaging learning environments. When observing lessons I look for the essential elements of teaching and learning with a view to the IB Diploma in year 12, the focus is always on the skills used by pupils in their learning journey and also the approaches we have to supporting this journey through our teaching.

 I am delighted to confirm that we have world class teachers who ensure that our pupils experience challenging learning opportunities. In fact 95% of our teachers are English native speakers and predominantly British trained and we are equally proud of our high caliber Brazilian teachers too!


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Finally, one of the most enjoyable parts of my day is standing at the front entrance and seeing the happy, smiling faces of our Secondary pupils coming to a school that they clearly enjoy, feel safe in and can be confident to realize their ambitions as you can see from this photo of year 8 musicians!