Nord Anglia
30 October, 2020

Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show - Key Stage Two.

Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show - Key Stage Two. The Primary Music Department has presented on October 26th the Key Stage Two Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show.

The Primary Music Department has presented on October 26th the Key Stage Two Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show.  All children from Years 3 to 6 were invited to share a video of an act, as it is a wonderful opportunity for them to perform and build their confidence. Children and Teachers have voted for their favorite acts, and a final video compilation was organised to celebrate the most popular performances from across the school. 


We were all very impressed with their creativity and confidence when performing their talents. Here are the best moments of our show and we hope that you can have a little taste of the incredible performances of our talented Key Stage 2 pupils and it will bring smiles to the faces of children and parents alike! 



[[\media\Best moments Virtual KS2 BCBs Got Talent 2020 1.mov]]