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News image 2022 Expressive Arts Week - 2nd edition - 2022-expressive-arts-week--2nd-edition News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
2022 Expressive Arts Week - 2nd edition
Next week, BCB's Primary Music and Arts departments will promote the 2nd edition of BCB Expressive Arts Week, from the 24th to the 28th of January. A week full of activities dedicated to the Arts.
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News image Expressive Arts Week 31/05 - 03/06 - expressive-arts-week-31-05--03-06 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Expressive Arts Week 31/05 - 03/06
What an amazing week we had! Artistic interventions during breaks and lunchtime, giving opportunity for everyone to enjoy and appreciate different musical genres, ensemble and dance performances and visual arts works. We were able to see children interacting with these video and audio interventions by copying dance moves, singing along, and showing themselves completely amazed with people drawing and painting.
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News image Expressive Arts Week 31/05 - 03/06 - expressive-arts-week-31-05--03-06 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Expressive Arts Week 31/05 - 03/06
The BCB Arts Department organised a very special week for everyone, the BCB Expressive Arts Week, which begins next Monday the 31st of May.
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News image Global Campus Competition - Virtual Young Musician of the Year 2021 - global-campus-competition--virtual-young-musician-of-the-year-2021 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Global Campus Competition - Virtual Young Musician of the Year 2021
Whether you play the violin, drums or sing - if you're a musician, we would like to encourage you to select, prepare and enter a performance for the Nord Anglia Education Virtual Musician of the Year 2021 competition.
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News image Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show - Key Stage Two. - virtualbcbs-got-talent-show--key-stage-two News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show - Key Stage Two.
The Primary Music Department has presented on October 26th the Key Stage Two Virtual BCB’s Got Talent Show.
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News image Hansel & Gretel - hansel-and-gretel News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Hansel & Gretel
The annual performing arts production this year was a play, led by our talented drama teacher Ms. Boon. It was decided that it would be a good year to do a play rather than a musical to give our none singing actors a chance to shine. Ms. Boon chose a dark version of Hansel & Gretel and the students have been working on the performance since September, coming in on Saturdays and staying late to put together the show. Recently more teachers were involved in painting & building the set, producing costumes, working out makeup requirements and working backstage during the event. It really has been a community effort.
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News image Nord Anglia Performing Arts Festival - nord-anglia-performing-arts-festival News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Nord Anglia Performing Arts Festival
The Nord Anglia Performing Arts Festival is a highlight of the year for some of our students. Why? Because for those that choose to attend it is a chance to spend a week doing what they love most - the performing arts!
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News image Performing Arts Festival in Miami - Video footage - performing-arts-festival-in-miami--video-footage News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Performing Arts Festival in Miami - Video footage
Music education plays an important part in fostering self-confidence, creativity, and social skills in young people.
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News image NAE - Performing Arts Festival in Miami - nae--performing-arts-festival-in-miami News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
NAE - Performing Arts Festival in Miami
On the 30th March BCB sent six students and two teachers to participate in the first ever Nord Anglia music festival, a perfect example of one of these unique experiences created for musicians to flourish. The week was an exciting opportunity for the young musicians and teachers to collaborate in meaningful ways to prepare the performance presented on Wednesday 3rd April. Visiting musicians from Juilliard led engaging workshops, rehearsals and performances. Nord Anglia schools from all over the Americas were invited to participate and were hosted by North Broward Preparatory School. The students met other Nord Anglia musicians, formed new friendships and grew personally and artistically.
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News image NAE Performing Arts Festival - Miami - Update 2 - nae-performing-arts-festival--miami--update-2 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
NAE Performing Arts Festival - Miami - Update 2
The students at the music festival are doing so well. The experience is a challenge for them but they are making BCB proud by just getting involved.
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News image Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Festival in Miami - Update 1 - nord-anglia-education-performing-arts-festival-in-miami--update-1 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Festival in Miami - Update 1
6 students and 2 teachers left on Saturday for Miami to participate in Nord Anglia's first ever Performing Arts Festival In Miami.
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News image KS2 BCB's Got Talent - ks2-bcbs-got-talent News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
KS2 BCB's Got Talent
On the 22nd of March, the Music department organized the annual talent show for KS2 children at Chacara Flora campus.
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News image Preparing for carnival - Samba season. - preparing-for-carnival--samba-season News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Preparing for carnival - Samba season.
In the music curriculum, we cover a wide range of topics, to ensure that we develop an understanding of how music from all areas of the world can influence each other.
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News image Secondary Performing Arts Showcase - secondary-performing-arts-showcase News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Secondary Performing Arts Showcase
Congratulations to all of the students and staff for the secondary performing arts showcase last night (5th December).
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News image Year 9 IGCSE Preparation Music Class - year-9-igcse-preparation-music-class News | musicanddrama | Highlights | Music and Drama
Year 9 IGCSE Preparation Music Class
In Year 9, students have the opportunity to take a second lesson in their preferred arts subject.
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