Nord Anglia
27 August, 2021

BCB Weekly Newsletter (27th of August 2021)

BCB Weekly Newsletter (27th of August 2021) This week we held staff training on performance management. As a school we always strive to be better and to do this we all need to learn, reflect, and set targets to improve. We do this with our children on a daily basis, so it is important we do this as a staff.

Dear Parents,


This week we held staff training on performance management. As a school we always strive to be better and to do this we all need to learn, reflect, and set targets to improve. We do this with our children on a daily basis, so it is important we do this as a staff.


Performance management has many different perceptions, but at BCB it is designed for each member of staff to improve and for student outcomes to therefore improve. It starts with a detailed conversation with your line manager, celebrating success and discussing actions over the last year to evaluate the impact of the teaching on the learning. It is not only for teachers, but every member of staff. We are one community, and we all contribute to the well-being, safety and education of your children.


There is then a formal mid-year review and end of year review but more importantly is the collection of evidence throughout the year and ongoing conversations to reflect and evaluate performance. From the staff targets we can really focus any training needs and help staff develop to achieve their goals. We value the staff highly as it is their contributions to our school that benefit your children. Great training and professional learning, reflection, and professional dialogue, make staff more confident and valued and hopefully more motivated. We want to recognise our staff strengths and guide them to improve. We can all do better, like our growth mindset encourages, so our cycle of performance management is designed to do just that.


BCB Weekly Newsletter (27th of August 2021) - bcb-weekly-newsletter-27th-of-august-2021


At Nord Anglia we have an incredible resource, Nord Anglia University, which is one tool for staff to collaborate and learn in teaching communities. It is a professional learning portal, with some mandatory courses, such as safeguarding, and many voluntary courses depending on everyone’s interests. We also have incredible accredited middle and senior leader programs as well as the opportunity for Nord Anglia teachers to study at King’s College and achieve a Master’s in International Education. Lifelong learning is a lifestyle we encourage in our student’s and role model as adults, it is such an important part of working at BCB and for Nord Anglia.


BCB Weekly Newsletter (27th of August 2021) - bcb-weekly-newsletter-27th-of-august-2021


I hope this gives a small insight into just one aspect of what our staff experience in their professional journey with us. Working for Nord Anglia gives amazing opportunities and professional development is arguably one of the best aspects. This does make skilled, experienced, and engaged teachers, which can all only mean one thing: a better experience for your children.


Have a great weekend,


Nick West