Mr. Daniel Bagagli
28 January, 2022

Looking back on Term 1

Looking back on Term 1 What an interesting and eventful first term it was! As we are now heading full gear into term 2, it’s always valuable to look back upon what we have done and achieved.

What an interesting and eventful first term it was! As we are now heading full gear into term 2, it’s always valuable to look back upon what we have done and achieved. 


To start, on September 10th 2021, IB and IGCSE Geography students had their fieldwork - they went to investigate how the characteristics of a river change as you move up the river. The river was River Campo Belo, in the city of Itatiaia, State of Rio de Janeiro, right at the Itatiaia National Park, Brazil.

This was part of their IGCSE coursework and IB internal assessment, a mandatory component of their diploma, where they needed to collect, organise, present and interpret data in a ~2000 word essay. Both courseworks follow a similar structure and theme, however the level of detail and statistical analysis change considerably from the IGCSE to the IB.

Students, in groups, took measurements on the width of the river channel, the depth and velocity of the water, the amount, size and shape of the pebbles in the riverbed, at a few different locations along the course of the river (see images below). The students observed how these characteristics change along the river course.


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As for our IGCSE students, it was their first time ever having such practical and technical experience outdoors. As for our IB ones, they demonstrated their previous knowledge and expertise. Both of them are, right now, in their final moments regarding writing and handing in their final essays.

It’s fair to say that it was a challenging experience, but most importantly a rewarding one for the students. Well done to them!


BCB students working on measurements on River Campo Belo, Itatiaia.

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Back to BCB.

We also had Y7 students creating great posters on renewable energy. As per words of their teacher, Ms. Patel:

“Y7 Geography have been learning about Resources this term where pupils have more recently been researching about the different types of renewable energy and the advantages and disadvantages with using them. Miss Patel has been really impressed with Y7's efforts, engagement this term and quality of posters.” See an example below!


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Example of a poster on renewable energy made by a Y7 student.

BCB also attended for the first time the Model United Nations simulation, which happened on December 10th and 11th 2021, at St. Paul’s, with several international students representing countries in different committees. Many students were not able to take part as they were travelling for holidays, however BCB was well represented. As by the words of Mr. Ruiz, responsible for the ECA:

“Helena Miresh Y9B attended the last São Paulo Model United Nations on December 2021, she faced a huge challenge representing India in the Kashmir conflict debate on the Historical Security Council, if you know international politics you already notice she and the delegate representing Pakistan were the two main nations in the discussion, acting in her first MUN experience among students used to MUN simulations and upper classes. It was exceptionally difficult online and as a single delegation, making it even more difficult. 

Despite all of it she was not intimidated and stood out to keep India's sovereignty, being one of the key players, drafting a resolution in favor of India and being able to amend a resolution presented by Pakistan. Outstanding performance in her first simulation! We are glad she positively represented BCB at the event and may it be the first of many to Helena and to our MUN crew. “ 


Looking back on Term 1 - looking-back-on-term-1


There was also the ECO Club ECA, where students learned and engaged on different, innovative and environmentally-friendly ideas and attitudes; and many more…

There were definitely some challenges (and they will never cease to exist), but as we can see, it was a successful first term: only possible with the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of both students and teachers.

Looking forward to term 2!