Mr. Kieran Smith
18 February, 2022

The Mathematics Challenge Club

The Mathematics Challenge Club As we approach the middle of the school year, I’d like to take some time to explore what is happening within the mathematics department, in the classroom and with student’s at home.

As we approach the middle of the school year, I’d like to take some time to explore what is happening within the mathematics department, in the classroom and with student’s at home.


It has of course been an unconventional year so far but the learning within maths remains consistent. We like to have the students using their own whiteboards, online resources and particularly collaboration as much as possible. It’s always great to hear the mathematical conversations that arise amongst all of the students, from year 7 to year 13. There is a great deal of intellect and mathematical curiosity within the BCB community.


Since the start of this term, we have been pleased to offer the “mathematics challenge club”; a club which allows the students to explore their mathematical curiosity. We currently have many students from across KS3 taking part, and a waiting list too! During club time, students complete competition level questions and will soon be exploring topics from outside of the regular taught curriculum.


At the beginning of the year, the maths department also introduced Dr Frost Maths to the students. This is a website which we use for homework, but it also allows students to independently revise. With a bank of 10,000+ questions, it is a fantastic way for students to track their own progress. The site uses a score system for those students who use it the most, and we’ve found this to be very motivating.


You can see from the leaderboard below that we are 7th out of Nord Anglia schools and are improving every week! This is a great success.



British School of Kuala Lumpur 


Dover Court International School Singapore 


Prague British International School 


British School of Kuwait 


British School of Tashkent 


Nord Anglia International School 


The British College of Brazil 


The British School of Guangzhou 


The British School of Nanjing 


The British School Yangon 




I’d like to give a special congratulations to Helena Miresh Kurtikumar(#4), Joao Pedro Arend Figueira (#6) and Chaewon Shin (#7)  for being in the top ten of all Nord Anglia students using the site this academic year. They should be very proud of their efforts!