Nord Anglia
10 March, 2022

Year 3 Trip to the Botanical Garden

Year 3 Trip to the Botanical Garden The Year 3 children had the most wonderful day at the Botanical Gardens of Sao Paulo this Wednesday March 9th, 2022.  Screen Shot 20220310 at 083303

The Year 3 children had the most wonderful day at the Botanical Gardens of Sao Paulo this Wednesday March 9th, 2022. 


After two long years of restrictions and ‘virtual trips’, it was an absolute delight to be able to take everyone on an educational trip outdoors. 

Both our Science and Topic units this term in Y3 are about plants and rainforests, so this was the perfect outing to consolidate our knowledge about nature and discover some interesting new plants. We were greeted by some biologists and professors who taught us some valuable lessons about trees that are native to Brazil and how we use them to make goods, while respecting the environment and nature around us. 

The children then enjoyed a lovely nature walk, and a picnic by the pond where they were able to relax and complete a scavenger hunt as well as draw some observational sketches. We finished the day with a little trek through the forest and got back to school tired, sweaty but most of all very excited and happy!