Ascension of the Kilimanjaro - ascension-of-the-kilimanjaro
Collège Champittet
25 February, 2020

Ascension of the Kilimanjaro

Ascension of the Kilimanjaro Fifteen students and three teachers from Collège Champittet have set themselves the goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

Fifteen students and three teachers from Collège Champittet have set themselves the goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. In order to prepare for this long ascent, the team had to train for many months with a program of indoor fitness circuits and various mountain hikes.

On the 11th of February, the team flew to Tanzania to begin their journey.

During this stay, the students had to overcome various obstacles; the first one being to leave Switzerland. Due to bad weather, the flight to Tanzania was postponed until the following day. During their expedition, our adventurers had the chance to discover breath-taking landscapes such as the Arusha National Park, the southern walls of the Kibo and the deep glacial valleys. The team also spent a night in the Barranco camp famous for its giant groundsels (Senecio species).

Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions, they were unable to make it to the top. Indeed, due to the wind and the freezing cold weather, the guides preferred to cancel their ascent. They then went back down to Mweka camp at about 10 am where they spent the night. It was an enriching experience on the human, physical and also mental point which strongly marked our students.

Our students returned to Collège Champittet on Sunday morning, where we welcomed them as champions. We are all extremely proud of the whole team! Bravo!