Show "Les Minuscules" (The Tiny Ones) - show-les-minuscules-the-tiny-ones
Collège Champittet
18 March, 2020

Show "Les Minuscules" (The Tiny Ones)

Show "Les Minuscules" (The Tiny Ones) On Thursday 27th of February, the 5th year classes from Collège Champittet in Nyon went to the Théâtre de la Parfumerie in Geneva to enjoy a magnificent interpretation of the children's novel "Les Minuscules" by Roal Dahl.

On Thursday 27th of February, the 5th year classes from Collège Champittet in Nyon went to the Théâtre de la Parfumerie in Geneva to enjoy a magnificent interpretation of the children's novel "Les Minuscules" by Roal Dahl.

A fine individual performance for a very greedy and energetic seamstress who tells us the story of the young hero, little Louis. The simple accessories of the set: the table, green plant, sewing machine, fabric, steam iron, lamp, sewing box transformed and allowed us to dive into the world of the forbidden forest ... The play of lights that accompanied the changes in the atmosphere, places and emotions kept our students on the edge of their seats.