Portrait of Mark Brennan - Dean 9-10th HarmoS and 9-13 FLE - portrait-of-mark-brennan--dean-9-10th-harmos-and-9-13-fle-1
Collège Champittet
18 May, 2020

Portrait of Mark Brennan - Dean 9-10th HarmoS and 9-13 FLE

Portrait of Mark Brennan - Dean 9-10th HarmoS and 9-13 FLE Having grown up in the beautiful Blue Mountains of N.S.W. Australia, I spent an amazing amount of time running about in the bush (which is Australian for outdoors!). I learned life lessons about the value of nature and its importance in human health. MBrennanOK

Having grown up in the beautiful Blue Mountains of N.S.W. Australia, I spent an amazing amount of time running about in the bush (which is Australian for outdoors!). I learned life lessons about the value of nature and its importance in human health. Living in Switzerland is perfect for feeding that love. I have two beautiful children, Maya, 9 and Flynn, 5 and we love spending as much time as we can exploring, travelling and experiencing all our home country has to offer, in all of her seasons. 

We love skiing, hiking, swimming in lakes and of course eating all the fabulous food on offer! I am a keen photographer and being Australian, I love pretty much all sports. It is a pleasure to find that here at Champittet, you all do too! 

Along with the natural world, I am fascinated with human cultures, from the ocean to the top of a mountain, we need to keep in mind how we as humans interact with this world of ours. My travels have seen me at the top of volcanoes in Japan, walking next to Mount Everest, sat in the doorways of trains trundling across Asia, exploring deep into street markets and working with wonderful people from all walks of life on projects which build communities and encourage growth. I know that here at Champittet, these amazing experiences will continue to enthuse and inspire me and my adventures.