A very positive return! - a-very-positive-return
Collège Champittet
25 May, 2020

A very positive return!

A very positive return! The return of the school year on the 11th or 12th May took place in the joy of reunion and learning about the new health measures put in place.

The return of the school year on the 11th or 12th May took place in the joy of reunion and learning about the new health measures put in place. A precise and clear display allows everyone to know the rules in force for each room. As for the teachers, they had to learn to teach with half of the class in front of them and the other half connected to the house. Time was taken to explain and remind the pupils of the barrier gestures and new features: marking on the floor, places allocated to the canteen, disinfection of the workspace, location of recess for each class...

The feedback from the pupils on this subject was very positive: playing together at recess and eating lunch at the same table helped to strengthen the bonds between the pupils.