The educational vegetable garden - the-educational-vegetable-garden
Collège Champittet
25 June, 2020

The educational vegetable garden

The educational vegetable garden From cucumber seeds to a greenhouse of several square metres, the vegetable garden allows children to discover the magic of growing vegetables.

From cucumber seeds to a greenhouse of several square metres, the vegetable garden allows children to discover the magic of growing vegetables. Many people think that at school you only learn in the classroom. Two years ago, Collège Champittet in Nyon set up an educational garden that allows students to engage in a stimulating environment in which they observe, discover, experiment and learn.

A sort of living laboratory where one puts one's hands in the ground, touches, looks and tastes, while putting aside, for a moment, the textbooks. With the confinement this year the children unfortunately could not participate at the beginning in the preparation of the vegetable garden, the soil, planting the new seeds in Spring, but a few volunteer teachers had come to put their hands in the soil and the children were able to continue to cultivate the vegetable garden when they returned to school. Since classes resumed on May 11, they have been able to observe the transformation of the garden and can now taste the first fruits and vegetables that have come out of the ground. What a joy!