13IB-CAS cleaning the environment - 13ib-cas-cleaning-the-environment
Collège Champittet
18 September, 2020

13IB-CAS cleaning the environment

13IB-CAS cleaning the environment During our CAS (creativity-activity-service) lesson, our class of 13IB went to the forest nearby and decided to clean up the environment surrounding us.

“During our CAS (creativity-activity-service) lesson, our class of 13IB went to the forest nearby and decided to clean up the environment surrounding us.

We split up in small groups of 3-4 people and separated amongst the forest. There, we were looking for any small bit of plastic, paper, glass, metal, and anything that does not belong there. We spent around 25-30minutes collecting everything we could find.

In the end, we put all the little bits and pieces we found in one huge pile and it ended up being a lot of different things. The amount of trash in the forest really shocked us and we didn't expect to collect as much as we did.

The next thing we did was sort out everything into different bin bags by PET, glass, metal, textiles, and paper separately, for recycling. This experience made all of us realize that every small bit of plastic or anything else we throw away, could easily end up in places such as a forest or ocean which is a natural habitat for a lot of animals and disturb the wildlife.

This CAS experience has brought our attention to the fact that all of us must remember that there is a domino effect on everything we do.”