Goto Mikiko's concert - goto-mikikos-concert
Collège Champittet
18 September, 2020

Goto Mikiko's concert

Goto Mikiko's concert On Tuesday, September 15, Collège Champittet had the honour of welcoming the famous musician Makiko Goto.

On Tuesday, September 15, Collège Champittet had the honour of welcoming the famous musician Makiko Goto. She is also a mother of two of Champittet's boarding students. Champittet students had the chance to question her about her art and to attend a unique concert in our chapel.

Makiko Goto is performing both traditional and contemporary music on koto, 17-string bass koto and 21-string koto. She is frequently invited to join different ensembles and groups (duo, trio, electronic music ensemble, theatre, dance, etc) throughout Europe, Japan and the USA.

Her performances were recorded for international radio- and television programs and she appears on several CD´s with contemporary and traditional pieces for koto solo and/or chamber music with other instruments and voice.