Human rights course - human-rights-course
Collège Champittet
17 June, 2021

Human rights course

Human rights course As part of the Geography-Human Rights course, the class of 10 FLE had the chance to welcome Mr. Gaevski, a student’s parent, who came specially from Moscow to share his professional experience with our students.

As part of the Geography-Human Rights course, the class of 10 FLE had the chance to welcome Mr. Gaevski, a student’s parent, who came specially from Moscow to share his professional experience with our students.


Thanks to his intervention, they were able to make links between the notions learned during the year and the economic and geopolitical reality of the current world.


The discussion around Business and Human Rights was lively and very enriching. Our students were able to understand and participate to a complex discussion about the African continent, its governments, its potential and the importance of understanding the different cultures and customs found there.