School trip to the Jardin de la Lépiote - 5th and 6th grade - school-trip-to-the-jardin-de-la-lpiote--5th-and-6th-grade
Collège Champittet
21 June, 2021

School trip to the Jardin de la Lépiote - 5th and 6th grade

School trip to the Jardin de la Lépiote - 5th and 6th grade This week, the students of 5th and 6th primary went to the permaculture micro-farm "Les Jardins de la Lépiote" located in Le Vaud.

This week, the students of 5th and 6th primary went to the permaculture micro-farm "Les Jardins de la Lépiote" located in Le Vaud. The children were able to discover the fascinating field of "permaculture", whose main foundation is based on the development of organic food production according to the seasons in harmony with the biodiversity and the natural ecosystems.


In the morning, the owners of the site organised a treasure hunt in the field to learn how to observe and locate the elements of the garden. "We picked edible plants and flowers from the garden and made a salad, it was so good !", said a 5th grader.


During the afternoon the pupils made two insect hotels by collecting elements from nature.


The pupils, accompanied by their teachers, also took the opportunity to visit the Zoo de la Garenne, which is just a few steps away from the Jardins de la Lépiote.