Message from the Head of School - January 2022 - message-from-the-head-of-school--january-2022
Collège Champittet
22 December, 2021

Message from the Head of School - January 2022

Message from the Head of School - January 2022 The countdown has begun: in exactly one year, the anniversary of 120 years of Collège Champittet (1903 - 2023) begins. This is an opportunity to reflect together on the values of our school community, as well as on the fundamentals of education. PhilippeKorodiBanner

Dear Champiteans

The countdown has begun: in exactly one year, the anniversary of 120 years of Collège Champittet (1903 - 2023) begins. This is an opportunity to reflect together on the values of our school community, as well as on the fundamentals of education.


The Collège Champittet Foundation is at the heart of our vision and mission. The motto mens sana in corpore sano is no longer sufficient to describe our broad conception of education. The younger generation must be able to navigate complexity, protect nature and engage with the less fortunate. Giving in Champittet is not a tribute to one's good conscience. It is rather the action of giving that is more important than the gift itself or its recipient. To act is to gain confidence, to control one's destiny, to decide in the face of doubt. To act is to fulfil oneself as a human being, to put one's vitality at the service of society, to transform oneself.


Social networks express many virtues in declaratory mode, from a sofa, behind a smartphone. In Champittet, we prefer the gesture, the charitable action, which strengthens the soul. A form of Nietzschean Christianity, perhaps? Does this message make you react? Then write to us and let's debate in preparation for the 120th!

Happy New Year to all