Philippe de Korodi
Managing Director, Collège Champittet
01 December, 2023

End of the year reflections

Dear Champiteans,

The School’s 120th anniversary celebrations come to a close at the end of 2023. They were inspired by the joy of finding ourselves in the vibrant community of knowledge and values that is Champittet. A rich and authentic social life is a prerequisite for happiness, which in turn is a prerequisite for learning. Our values also commit us to loving nature and preserving it.

I would like to thank the students who bring their fresh minds, their appetite for life and their natural curiosity to school every day. You, the parents, also deserve our gratitude for your trust in the school, and your diligence in the sometimes complicated job of parenting. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers, who teach with passion and stimulate our young minds despite all the vicissitudes of modern life. Their colleagues in the support functions, administration, kitchen, school buses, cleaning, etc. also contribute to the quality of school life.

At this time of Advent, our thoughts go out to those who are suffering, who are alone, who have lost a parent. Life is like that, and we have to face up to it. 2024 will certainly bring other challenges. But the school remains, in essence, a place of optimism and confidence in the future.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all.