Nord Anglia Education multi-sport festival - nord-anglia-education-multi-sport-festival
Collège Champittet
24 March, 2022

Nord Anglia Education multi-sport festival

Nord Anglia Education multi-sport festival After a three-year break, the Nord Anglia Education (NAE) Multisport Festival is back on and we were there to participate! NAE_multisports_hero

After a three-year break, the Nord Anglia Education (NAE) Multisport Festival is back on and we were there to participate! Hosted by BIS Budapest, the two-day festival was attended by other NAE schools: D’Overbroecks Oxford and BISB Bratislava.

This year was a bit special with all the sports grouped in one tournament and our amazing team was on all fronts: basketball, volleyball, and soccer.

A great atmosphere and a fantastic opportunity for our students and coaches to meet new friends and participate in this friendly competition.