Champittet hosts the Model United Nations Conference Europe 2022 - champittet-hosts-the-model-united-nations-conference-europe-2022
Collège Champittet
29 March, 2022

Champittet hosts the Model United Nations Conference Europe 2022

Champittet hosts the Model United Nations Conference Europe 2022 On March 17 and 18, we had the honor to host the Nord Anglia Education (NAE) Model United Nations (MUN) Europe 2022, which took place virtually. UN_hero

On March 17 and 18, we had the honor to host the Model United Nations (MUN) Europe 2022, which took place virtually.

For two days, nearly a hundred students from several Nord Anglia Education schools played the role of UN delegates and worked in 6 committees on topics that are currently affecting us in society, under the broad theme of War and Peace.  
During this academic simulation students debated on topics such as: 

  1. Cyber terrorism 
  2. Sanctions in sporting events 
  3. Food security in countries and zones of conflict 
  4. Trade routes in South China Sea  
  5. The spread of synthetic drugs in Southeast Asia
  6. Security and sovereignty of Afghanistan 

Our School Director Phillipe de Korodi as well the Head of United Nations International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (UN IIIM) Marchi-Uhel were there to support the debate and share about their humanitarian work experiences.  
The MUN conference was a real success. Thanks to the well-prepared chairs and the delegates who, after some shy moments, were able to speak up and defend their ideas, the debates resulted in real, effective and constructive solutions. Good job everyone!