Cycle des Grandes Conférences: André Comte-Sponville - "Reconciling with existence” - cycle-des-grandes-confrences-andr-comte-sponville--reconciling-with-existence
Collège Champittet
04 May, 2022

Cycle des Grandes Conférences: André Comte-Sponville - "Reconciling with existence”

Cycle des Grandes Conférences: André Comte-Sponville - "Reconciling with existence” "Reconciling with life means doing what depends on us, rather than hoping or fearing what does not."

"Reconciling with life means doing what depends on us, rather than hoping or fearing what does not. Learning to love life as it is, rather than constantly reproaching it for not being what we want it to be. Wisdom of action, wisdom of love. It's about hoping a little less, and specially about acting and loving a lot more.” 

As part of our Cycle des Grandes Conférences, Collège Champittet had the honour of welcoming the acclaimed French philosopher André Comte-Sponville for an exceptional conference that brought together more than 500 people.