Lawyers in the making: Moot Court Europe 2022 - lawyers-in-the-making-moot-court-europe-2022
Collège Champittet
30 August, 2022

Lawyers in the making: Moot Court Europe 2022

Lawyers in the making: Moot Court Europe 2022 Three of our students, Aliya, Gwen and Jysadora took part in the Moot Court Europe 2022- a simulated trial competition for high school students from all over the world. Moot Court banner

Three of our students, Aliya, Gwen and Jysadora took part in the Moot Court Europe 2022, a simulated trial competition for high school students from all over the world.


The competition—which took place in July— was organized by the Foundation Netherlands-Romania, based in The Hague, and the National Pedagogical College “Carol 1” from Campulung Muscel, Romania. 

Once again, this year famous personalities from the field of International Criminal law were the main judges in this competition:

  • Judge Alphons Orie, well-known for presiding over many trials at the International Criminal Court in the Hague for former Yugoslavia;
  • Professor Dr Mischa Wladimiroff, Emeritus professor of International Criminal Law, international lawyer and amicus curiae in the case of the prosecution against Slobodan Milosevic at the ICTY in the Hague.

The competition was fierce, great preparation was needed for the event and our students took part in three trials where they were co-counsels for the prosecution. Some legal coaching from Mary Mayenfisch, lawyer and former University and Career Counselor at Champittet, was helpful and the learning was intense.

The students learned to take extensive notes, to listen attentively to their opponents and to understand the facts of their case in great depth.  As this was a criminal case, they needed to prove their case “beyond all reasonable doubt”! 

Pleading before three judges in their final session in the courthouse in Campulung Muscel, Romania allowed Aliya, Gwen and Jysadora to show how much they had learned and how well they had dealt with the pressure of a competition such as this one.  What an experience! 

The final winners of the Moot Court Europe 2022 were the very eloquent, professional team from Zimbabwe. They were very fitting winners, and the President of Zimbabwe, immediately congratulated them on their success.

Our students received an award for their participation, and they also received a special prize for having had the “Most Creative Arguments” of all the participants in the Moot Court Europe 2022. Well done Aliya, Gwen and Jysadora!