A very special encounter of two influential members of the Champitean community - a-very-special-encounter-of-two-influential-members-of-the-champitean-community
Collège Champittet
27 September, 2022

A very special encounter of two influential members of the Champitean community

A very special encounter of two influential members of the Champitean community This month, we had the pleasure of receiving two important members of our community for a very special meeting! Hero Image or Video1 6

This month, we had the pleasure of receiving two important members of our community for a very special meeting:  alumni Bertrand Piccard, famous Swiss explorer, psychiatrist and environmentalist, and Father Duffner, a former teacher who had a significant impact on generations of Champiteans.  

At his 97 years of age and after more than 30 years of teaching at Champittet, Father Duffner had many vivid memories of his time at the school, which he shared over a friendly aperitif.  

As a gesture of gratitude, Bertrand Piccard offered to his former professor a signed copy of his last book ‘Realistic’, where he shares his thoughts as a psychiatrist and explorer that aims to restore hope and get out of the dilemma between those who advocate for degrowth to protect the environment and those who believe that unlimited growth is the only way to make our society work.  

We don't say thank you often enough. Father Duffner taught me things like the art of rhetoric that have served me well all my life.