Best Parent Satisfaction Score among Nord Anglia Schools in Europe - best-parent-satisfaction-score-among-nord-anglia-schools-in-europe
Collège Champittet
02 November, 2022

Best Parent Satisfaction Score among Nord Anglia Schools in Europe

Best Parent Satisfaction Score among Nord Anglia Schools in Europe Did you ever dream about having your children feel at home when they are at school? Hero 2

Did you ever dream about having your children feel at home when they are at school? Do you know a school where a receptionist will recognize you by your voice? Where the adults know all the children by name? We are talking about Champittet Nyon.

All the teachers and staff do everything possible to make the children feel happy, safe, and excited to learn. A recent example is 5P students having breakfast in class, organized by their teacher Mr Botteon: a pleasant moment that allowed us to talk about why we eat breakfast, how to make it, the habits of each person ... and of course sharing around different flavours!

We also do our best to ensure that not only the children but also the parents are happy in our community. Champittet Nyon administration is regularly meeting with the APEC members, and there were already a few events that we organized with the parents: Parents’ Apéro, Pumpkins Sale, PS Parents Coffee, and many more to come.

Champittet Nyon is known for its family atmosphere, as well as for happy parents and children. An excellent proof is the Best Parent Satisfaction Award by Nord Anglia Education, based on last year’s Parents’ Survey.  Congratulations to all the teachers, staff, and administration, and a big thank you to the parents!