A humanitarian trip filled with emotion - a-humanitarian-trip-filled-with-emotion
Collège Champittet
23 November, 2022

A humanitarian trip filled with emotion

What we value in life is completely different over there. I will never forget the experience.
student in 12th grade
A humanitarian trip filled with emotion A group of students and their supervisors went on a 10-day mission to Madagascar with the Champittet Foundation. Having just returned, the memories and emotions are still very vivid.

A group of students and their supervisors went on a 10-day mission to Madagascar with the Champittet Foundation. Having just returned, the memories and emotions are still very vivid.

"I took part in many bake sales in profit of the Foundation. This time, I wanted to take action and understand how the Foundation puts the raised funds to good use", says Sofia, 14th grade student.

The students were welcomed by Father Stefano, surgeon in charge of the orphanage La maison des enfants. They repainted the classroom walls and canteen of the Champittet school and visited a local hospital for a day. The group also took the 140 children of the orphanage to the Ocean for a fun outing. It is evident that some very special bonds were created between them.

The trip was also about discovering the island's culture, flora and fauna. The participants had the chance to meet in real life all these animals previously seen only in books: lemurs, giant turtles and dolphins... How thrilling! They also got to visit cocoa and vanilla plantations, pick mangoes and coconuts, and taste the fruits of their labor.

What an enriching and unforgettable experience that undoubtably brought emotional growth to the students and gave them the opportunity to have a direct impact on those in need. Well done to them for their commitment!

Stay tuned for our next action in favour of the Foundation: The Christmas Market organised by and for our community.