The art of combining human resources and marketing - the-art-of-combining-human-resources-and-marketing
Collège Champittet
23 November, 2022

The art of combining human resources and marketing

With the marketing department, we have created a virtuous circle: when they communicate on social networks about the life of the Collège, they make teachers want to join us; when we share our recruitment announcements on LinkedIn, we make an impression on future candidates and parents.
Agnès Gabirout
Director of Human Resources

We are very proud of our HR team for their nomination to the Swiss Digital HR Award, which aims to recognize HR departments and teams that make a decisive contribution to the digital transformation of their organizations and the evolution of their business model.

Selected among the 4 finalists (for the -400 employees category), our team presented the employer brand strategy implemented over the last four years to attract the best talent.

Our choice: combine recruitment communication with marketing communication and focus on LinkedIn as primary channel.

Congratulations once again on their success!