The "Dare to do all jobs" day: an opportunity to discover a variety of careers - the-dare-to-do-all-jobs-day-an-opportunity-to-discover-a-variety-of-careers
Collège Champittet
23 November, 2022

The "Dare to do all jobs" day: an opportunity to discover a variety of careers

The "Dare to do all jobs" day: an opportunity to discover a variety of careers On the occassion of the “Dare to do all jobs” day —organized by the Office for Gender Equality of the canton Vaud—, seven students from 7 to 9 grades joined the school' s benches to discover the many different professions that can be found within an educational institution.

On the occassion of the “Dare to do all jobs” day —organized by the Office for Gender Equality of the canton Vaud—, seven students from 7 to 9 grades joined the school' s benches to discover the many different professions that can be found within an educational institution.

The program began with a tour of the various administrative departments: accounting, admissions and school office, information technology, and the boarding school office.

Our young visitors also met the teaching staff, starting with a chemistry workshop led by our science teacher. Then the group split in two: one to help our music teacher teach musical nuances to pre-schoolers; the other to do woodworking with our crafts teacher.

Thank you to our little guests for coming, we hope they left inspired for the future. Thank you also to our teachers and administrative teams for their contribution to this discovery day.