School Cleaning at Champittet Nyon - school-cleaning-at-champittet-nyon
Collège Champittet
30 November, 2022

School Cleaning at Champittet Nyon

School Cleaning at Champittet Nyon The week of the 21 to 25 November all the children of Champittet Nyon were participating in litter pick-up around the school premises. Blog article hero image 3

The week of the 21 to 25 November all the children of Champittet Nyon were participating in litter pick-up around the school premises. This activity is part of our Eco Schools label engagement.

The whole week from 21 to 25 November all the children of Champittet Nyon were participating in litter pick-up around the Champittet Nyon premises. This activity is part of our Eco Schools label engagement.

Students have cleaned the area between Quartier Les Fontaines and the Signy Farm. The 7th and 8th grade students even found some old tires!

There are a few reasons why we decided to organize this activity.

  1. Picking up litter is important to show pride in our community by taking care of the common areas. Littered neighbourhoods feel less safe and negatively impact people’s sense of community. It makes everyone aware that we have a role to play in respecting our environment.
  2. Litter often endangers wildlife: there’s a risk of plastic contaminating aquatic and aerial ecosystems. Picking up litter prevents animals and birds from digesting it.

After all the classes participated in this activity, we had the company Eco Tri come and pick the litter up. They will sort and recycle it.