Awareness and prevention workshops at Collège Champittet - awareness-and-prevention-workshops-at-collge-champittet
Collège Champittet
03 February, 2023

Awareness and prevention workshops at Collège Champittet

Awareness and prevention workshops at Collège Champittet Throughout the year, the school’s educational team organizes various awareness and prevention workshops for students of all ages in order to promote healthy habits, prevent violence, and protect mental health. Blog article hero image 10

Throughout the year, the school’s educational team organizes various awareness and prevention workshops for students of all ages in order to promote healthy habits, prevent violence, and protect mental health.

Why is essential to provide students with prevention and awareness workshops?

  • To help understand the risks associated with certain activities, such as the use of screens and social media, as well as the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • To transmit information in an educational way
  • To give meaning to topics that sometimes seem complex to children
  • To help recognize and respond to the signs and symptoms of various issues, such as mental health problems, bullying, and substance abuse

Through these workshops, students can learn in an interactive and entertaining way (through plays, games, storytelling, etc.) how to identify and manage different emotions, how to recognize when a fellow classmate or friend may be in need of help, and how to engage in healthy, supportive relationships. Additionally, these workshops can help students develop problem-solving skills, which can help them identify and address issues before they become major problems.

These workshops are facilitated by external professional associations such as PATOUCH, Action Innocence, FORCE, and theatre company Le Caméléon, among others.

The themes presented during these workshops are then taken up in the classroom with the teachers so that this new knowledge becomes an integral part of the future lives of our students.