The STEAM Fair Challenge grande finale 2023 - the-steam-fair-challenge-grande-finale-2023
Collège Champittet
25 April, 2023

The STEAM Fair Challenge grande finale 2023

A few weeks ago, students from 6 to 10 grades exhibited the STEAM projects that they have been working on during the last four months.

Each grade had to answer a question on a topic related to a particular element of the human body —from the five senses, to the digestive system to the different cellular organisations— and follow the 5 steps of the scientific method to come up with an hypothesis and test a prediction.

Not only the students’ scientific competences were tested but also their creativity, communication and budget management skills to impress the jury with their stands and presentations. A fantastic multidisciplinary team project that has culminated in a wonderful exhibition.

Congrats to all the participants from Nyon and Pully campuses and, particularly to the first price winners!