Career Day at Champittet - career-day-at-champittet
Collège Champittet
02 May, 2023

Career Day at Champittet

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On April 26, over 30 volunteer leaders, including alumni and parents of current students, from various industries, shared their professional experiences and offered career tips to our Champitteans. The Career Day was an opportunity for students to ask questions about career choices, education, and locations where the presenters have lived.

The presenters shared their experiences through various testimonials providing students with valuable advice on how to find and pursue a career that best suits their interests and skills. A resume workshop was also held to help students showcase their experiences and make the most of their educational background. Students were given tips and advice on how to write a good resume and stand out in their job search.

On a satisfaction survey launched after the event, 96% of the students indicated that they found the Career Day helpful in terms of gaining a better understanding of what professional life is like in their area(s) of interest and they would recommend attending a future Career Day to a friend. While 100% of volunteer leaders who responded to the survey stated that they would recommend the experience to other parents, alumni and friends of Champittet.



It was a productive and rewarding day for our students to explore different careers and get tips and tricks to succeed in their future careers.

Thank you to our Career Counsellor and, of course, to the APEC (Parent Association of Champittet), for their invaluable collaboration on creating an event of this scale and quality for our students.