Graduation is just the beginning of an incredible adventure - Graduation is just the beginning of an incredible adventure
Collège Champittet
04 October, 2023

Graduation is just the beginning of an incredible adventure!

EPFL. Maastricht University. Imperial College London. Stanford. These are just some of the top universities where our recent 2023 graduates are beginning their undergraduate degree. Some have chosen elite institutions in Switzerland; others are pursuing their studies in neighbouring European countries, the UK or the USA. No matter where they go, they are all starting the adventure of a lifetime.

Our recent Champittet graduates have been accepted at first-rate universities across the globe. Whether in science or the humanities, business or the arts, each has found the right place to grow and follow their dreams.

Ready to get inspired? Watch this video to discover the university destinations of last year’s graduating class:

As our graduates show, a well-rounded education combined with a responsible work ethic pays off. We are proud to share that one of our Swiss Maturité graduates has received the Bachelor Excellence Fellowship from EPFL, a scholarship awarded on the basis of outstanding academic merit and extracurricular engagement. Two other Swiss Maturité graduates have been accepted to prestigious programmes in the sciences: Mia will study marine biology at Northeastern University (USA), while Sofia will study biomedical sciences at Imperial College London (UK). The sciences have also proven popular among our recent IB graduates, who have entered programmes such as biomedicine at the University of Birmingham (UK) and chemistry at EPFL (Switzerland).

May our graduates continue to inspire our current students to dream big, and to prepare for a university degree abroad  – or right here in Switzerland. After all, Switzerland is home to some of the best universities – including two (ETH Zurich and EPFL) ranked among the top 10 in Europe!