Discover the MIT STEAM Challenge for 2023-2024: “Build Better” - STEAM Challenge 2023-2024
Collège Champittet
04 October, 2023

Discover the MIT STEAM Challenge for 2023-2024: “Build Better”

The MIT STEAM Challenge for 2023-2024 has been unveiled! Thanks to our exclusive collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, every year our students receive a fresh challenge to sharpen their STEAM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). It’s an excellent opportunity to work together and think out of the box while creating solutions to real-world problems.

The challenge proposed by MIT for this school year is “Build Better: Plants, Energy, Everything”. Over the next seven months, our primary and secondary students will be brainstorming ways to construct a better, more sustainable future. Living sustainably means adopting practices and choices that reduce our impact on the environment and promote a more respectful lifestyle.

We will examine three important areas of research and development for our planet:

  • Build Better Plants: In the face of climate change, how can we develop more sustainable ways of feeding the global population? Our students will study and apply concepts from biology, agriculture and food production in order to address this question.
  • Build Better Energy: What new sources of clean, renweable energy can we use to end our dependence on fossil fuels and protect the planet? Our students will learn about plasma physics and the latest research on fusion reactors, which are based on the same energy-creating process of the Sun.
  • Build Better Everything: Almost everything around us is produced through manufacturing. How can we make the manufacting process more sustainable? This part of the challenge invites students to look at everyday objects with fresh eyes. They will consider the environmental and social footprint of how objects are made, and what we can do to lessen this impact.



As we learn more about sustainability, we will investigate and explore life from a multidisciplinary approach. Along the way, our students will use subjects as diverse as biology, maths, computer science or music to complete the challenge.

Finally, our students will present their findings during the STEAM Fair held this spring. We look forward to hearing their creative solutions for building a better tomorrow!