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News image Sports Days - sports-days News
Sports Days
We have recently completed our Primary Sports Days here at BCB in which over 400 students across two campuses and nine-year groups competed for the coveted House trophy.
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News image End of Year Production - end-of-year-production News | wholeschool | Whole School News
End of Year Production
On Thursday 25th June, the children in Year 6 put on a show which delved into the mythology of Ancient Greece and gave it a modern twist.
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News image Student ambassadors heading to New York for UNICEF Summit - student-ambassadors-heading-to-new-york-for-unicef-summit Blog | artculture
Student ambassadors heading to New York for UNICEF Summit
Premium international schools group Nord Anglia Education offers a transformational education to students, which focuses not only on ensuring academic success but also on inspiring students to positively impact their individual communities and the world at large. As part of Nord Anglia Education’s collaboration with UNICEF, students across the globe have been raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through projects at their schools. The SDGs are a collection of 17 goals set by the United Nations regarding social and economic development issues. Each year, the capstone event with UNICEF is when students from Years 10-12 visit New York for the NAE-UNICEF Student Summit.
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News image IGCSE performance evening - igcse-performance-evening News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
IGCSE performance evening
On Wednesday 5th June, we had 21 IGCSE music and drama students perform in a formal event for their parents.
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News image Rising to the challenge - rising-to-the-challenge Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Rising to the challenge
Students worked with their minds and hands to solve a variety of problems, transforming their understanding and perception of STEAM in a week-long series of workshops, lectures and activities.
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News image Performing Arts Festival in Miami - Video footage - performing-arts-festival-in-miami--video-footage News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Performing Arts Festival in Miami - Video footage
Music education plays an important part in fostering self-confidence, creativity, and social skills in young people.
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News image Voting for a brighter future - voting-for-a-brighter-future Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Voting for a brighter future
Nord Anglia International School Manila has developed a voter’s education programme for school students that has the potential to impact the country’s youth
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News image Primary Choir performance at the Queen's Birthday - primary-choir-performance-at-the-queens-birthday News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Primary Choir performance at the Queen's Birthday
On Thursday, 9th of May, our Primary Choir performed at the Brazilian British Centre for the Queen's 93rd Birthday Celebration.
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News image Teacher Talk - teacher-talk Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Teacher Talk
David Sheehan, head of pastoral care at Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong, shares why he loves his job and why teaching students core values in the classroom is just as important as developing key skills.
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News image The reward of well-rounded study - the-reward-of-well-rounded-study Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
The reward of well-rounded study
Nearing the end of his first year of University, Nord Anglia International School Shanghai, Pudong graduate Eric Chen shares his thoughts on how the rigour and well-rounded approach to academic study in his senior years at school prepared him well for his degree.
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News image Festa Junina - YCSA - festa-junina--ycsa News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Festa Junina - YCSA
Devido ao mau tempo, a tão aguardada Festa Junina do YCSA foi alterada para o dia 22 de Junho.
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News image The impact of a shared dream - the-impact-of-a-shared-dream Blog | artculture
The impact of a shared dream
A powerful online tool is spurring students into building more robust charity and social service programmes designed to create a greater, positive impact in their local communities.
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News image Young, mighty and globally-minded - young-mighty-and-globally-minded Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Young, mighty and globally-minded
Exposing younger students to the complexities of global issues will not only enable them to thrive in an inter-connected and multi-cultural society in the future but empower them to want to make greater positive change in the world.
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News image World Book Day 2019 - world-book-day-2019 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
World Book Day 2019
World Book Day took place on the 23rd April and it was a wonderful opportunity for the children to delve into the realms of the fantastic and fully immerse themselves in some amazing, thrilling, adventurous and incredible stories.
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News image Teacher Talk - teacher-talk Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Teacher Talk
NAIS Dublin’s head of primary Lisa Cannell shares how it’s a daily privilege to watch a child learn and why it’s important for young people to have an education that enriches both the mind and soul
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News image International Day - international-day News | wholeschool | Whole School News
International Day
On the 6th of April, BCB held its biggest ever International Day.
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News image They mean business - they-mean-business Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
They mean business
Teaching students to become entrepreneurs is empowering them with the skills and mindset to lead more successful, fulfilled lives.
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News image News Default Image News | wholeschool | Whole School News
The British College of Brazil is now an authorized IB World School for the Diploma Programme
As an IB World School offering the Diploma Programme, you are part of a global community of schools committed to developing knowledgeable, caring young people who will be ready to negotiate their futures successfully and make contributions resulting in a more harmonious and peaceful world.
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News image Unleash your creativity - unleash-your-creativity Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Unleash your creativity
Creativity isn’t a trait unique to those who pursue the arts. Educators say it’s a way of thinking that leads to imaginative and unique solutions to all types of real-world problems.
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