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News image International Award - international-award News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
International Award
At the end of October, on what could have been a leisurely early summer weekend, our intrepid International Award group set out on expedition over the Mantiqueira Mountains from Horto Florestal National Park over the mountains to Monteverde.
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News image In a digital age experiential learning is more important than ever, says head of expeditions - in-a-digital-age-experiential-learning-is-more-important-than-ever-says-head-of-expeditions Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
In a digital age experiential learning is more important than ever, says head of expeditions
David Wall says the consumption of tailored information through mobile devices has created a widening gap between how our students learn about the world and how they actually experience it.
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News image NAE amplifies giving back and leads the way on creating tomorrows change makers - nae-amplifies-giving-back-and-leads-the-way-on-creating-tomorrows-change-makers News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Whole School News
NAE amplifies giving back and leads the way on creating tomorrows change makers
We are proud to announce that Nord Anglia Education will allocate $US100million over the next 10 years to establish a charitable foundation and a global campaign centre aimed at empowering students to create impactful, sustainable solutions for change.
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News image Record turnout for Americas Global Games show students ready to bring their A game - record-turnout-for-americas-global-games-show-students-ready-to-bring-their-a-game Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Record turnout for Americas Global Games show students ready to bring their A game
It’s game on at our America schools as students get ready to compete in this year’s Global Games
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News image Year 4  welcomed guest speaker Marcos DeBrito - year-4-welcomed-guest-speaker-marcos-debrito News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Year 4 welcomed guest speaker Marcos DeBrito
Marcos DeBrito, a successful terror book writer and author of cinema horror movies came into class to speak to Yr4 CF children about being an author, scriptwriter, and director of cinema.
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News image A Frightfully Fun ECA - a-frightfully-fun-eca News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
A Frightfully Fun ECA
A Special Halloween Robotics ECA! Who can program their zombie to retrieve the candy?
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News image Schools to celebrate World Children’s Day with #NAEKidsTakeOver events - schools-to-celebrate-world-childrens-day-with-naekidstakeover-events News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Schools to celebrate World Children’s Day with #NAEKidsTakeOver events
Nord Anglia students around the world will celebrate World Children's Day on 20 November 2018 to raise their voices to address some of the most pressing questions facing the planet.
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News image Nurturing global awareness and an international mindset - nurturing-global-awareness-and-an-international-mindset Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Nurturing global awareness and an international mindset
Nord Anglia Education (NAE) schools inspire confident, creative global citizens who have a thirst for knowledge and a vision to change the world for the better. We also believe that students with a global worldview will have competitive advantages in our increasingly interconnected world. Our education offer provides unique learning opportunities to enable our students to become truly globally-minded and globally-active citizens.
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News image Which Skills our students need to thrive in our ever changing world? - which-skills-our-students-need-to-thrive-in-our-ever-changing-world Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
Which Skills our students need to thrive in our ever changing world?
In modern society, as with any societal change in history, creativity and invention is ubiquitous. As a global society our students are not expected to work in passive, rote, unconnected environments. In the unknown dynamic, interconnected, creative world of tomorrow companies are often looking for creative skills, capacity, and personal agency within their employees.
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News image Can studying the performing arts create successful students? - can-studying-the-performing-arts-create-successful-students Blog | artculture
Can studying the performing arts create successful students?
If you want your child to excel academically, socially and personally, can studying the performing arts be a key to success? Laura Rea, Music Teacher and Southeast Asia Regional Lead for the Juilliard-Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme at the British International School, Hanoi (BIS Hanoi) says studying the performing arts can help students gain key skills and qualities to prepare them for their future.
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News image How partnerships with world-leading organisations transform learning - how-partnerships-with-world-leading-organisations-transform-learning Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
How partnerships with world-leading organisations transform learning
Partnering with world-leading educators shows the importance of passion in work at its finest, says Ethan Hildreth, Superintendent of the Nord Anglia American International School Abu Dhabi adding that students who develop and pursue their passions easily achieve and succeed
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News image ACADEMIC RESULTS A TESTAMENT TO THE NORD ANGLIA DIFFERENCE - academic-results-a-testament-to-the-nord-anglia-difference News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Nord Anglia Education's CEO Andrew Fitzmaurice shares his thoughts on this year's outstanding academic results.
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News image Students' achievements - students-achievements Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Students' achievements
Saturday, the 15th of September, Alejandro Y11, and Jose Luis Y10 took part in a Duathlon at the center They go swimming. They came 1st and 2nd competing against adults (15-30 years old) and it was their first experience competing in this event. Also, on the 1st of September, Alberto Y8 was the best goalkeeper in the Future Cup tournament.
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News image Year 9 IGCSE Preparation Music Class - year-9-igcse-preparation-music-class News | musicanddrama | Highlights | Music and Drama
Year 9 IGCSE Preparation Music Class
In Year 9, students have the opportunity to take a second lesson in their preferred arts subject.
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