Nord Anglia
23 May, 2018

Band Performances On International Day

Band Performances On International Day School band celebrations

During BCB’s annual International Day we had performances from some of our student bands.

We started with a performance from a CJ campus group, followed by 2 CF primary groups and finished with a CF secondary band performance. Each of the groups showcased their skills by performing popular songs of their choice.

BCB’s band performances are getting better and better ever since the introduction of ‘Musical Futures’ style learning in PIPS and SIPS lessons. Plus the introduction of band ECA’s to allow students to develop further after school.

Overall the performances were a huge success and the music department is very proud of all of the students!

Learn more about Musical Futures

If you enjoyed the band performances or missed the chance to see them, keep checking the Parents Portal and school blog to receive news of the Battle of the Bands which will take place during Festa Junina at the end of the year.