Nord Anglia
14 August, 2020

Weekly Newsletter (14th of August)

Weekly Newsletter (14th of August)

Dear Parents,

It is wonderful to see everyone back in school, albeit virtually, but finally connected again.

I am sure that you have all had a different summer to the ones you normally have but if you are anything like me and our staff, it is fantastic to return to a more structured routine. It is a new normal but one we are adapting to and of course we all yearn to be back in school, learning together and developing our relationships for the good of the school and children. You will probably have seen in the news that our initial return for September has now been postponed until early October and we will communicate again in the near future with updated details as we have everything confirmed. Just to assure you we will also be providing more detailed information on buses, lunches and general organization of a day when we open soon. We have to ensure everything is absolutely safe and ready and so we only want to share decisions after due consideration has been taken and we know it will work. For now, there is no change other than the date.


I have heard nothing but positive messages about the start of the new academic year as everybody gets to know their new classes and teachers and old friendships are renewed. One thing I have noticed in my first week in school is the strength and passion of our teachers and teaching assistants and their absolute desire to offer the very best opportunities and learning for your children, it really is impressive. I have no doubt there are many strengths to the school, but this drive and collaborative environment is hugely beneficial to all.

Facilities improvement

I am also hugely impressed by all our functional teams. Beyond their assistance in getting me here, settled and ready to work, there is again a huge drive and desire to make everything as good as it can be. There are many improvements being made around the sites and we will share these in more detail in the near future. For those of you who know the Principal’s office on the CF campus, this is undergoing a transformation of its own so that it makes me visible and provides an environment where we can meet, where teachers, children and staff can come and talk and celebrate achievements. It is extremely important as a Principal to be seen, to listen, and to make informed decisions and so this is hopefully a positive starting point to show this. BCB has a strong community and family feel and I am excited to be part of that.


Academic results IGCSE 2020

I also would like to celebrate the first set of IGCSE results achieved by The British College of Brazil pupils this year! Our students achieved an A*- A pass rate of 32% and an A*- C pass rate of 85%. So, here is a cheer to all BCB students!

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I will try and send a weekly update and communication with you, sometimes about the school, mainly about the school, but sometimes about education and opening up discussions about interesting topics. We are all lifelong learners so it is good to explore and pose questions that we can all think about. Thank you for your positive messages and warm welcome I have received. I am very much looking forward to the future and our time together.

Warm regards,
Principal Nick West