Mr. Nick West
23 October, 2020

Weekly Newsletter (23th of October 2020)

Weekly Newsletter (23th of October 2020) Dear parents, We have reached the end of another highly successful week of extracurricular activities, with average daily numbers showing over a third of students in each year group attending. It has been nothing short of magnificent to see the students back in school, a little cautious at first, but then fully engaged with socially distanced activities. Secondary students have enjoyed connected activities, practicing mindfulness, and also activities to mix with friends old and new. Primary have been loving different games and activities prepared by their teachers and coming up with new games of their own. All of these activities will allow the children to be better prepared when we do return to school, partially or full time. If you didn’t take advantage of these first sessions, then there is still time for most to attend another session next week.


Dear parents,

We have reached the end of another highly successful week of extracurricular activities, with average daily numbers showing over a third of students in each year group attending. It has been nothing short of magnificent to see the students back in school, a little cautious at first, but then fully engaged with socially distanced activities. Secondary students have enjoyed connected activities, practicing mindfulness, and also activities to mix with friends old and new. Primary have been loving different games and activities prepared by their teachers and coming up with new games of their own. All of these activities will allow the children to be better prepared when we do return to school, partially or full time. If you didn’t take advantage of these first sessions, then there is still time for most to attend another session next week.


I may well have written to you before you read this newsletter but we are waiting for official news of what will be happening on November 3rd. Sao Paulo has employed hundreds of inspectors to attend schools and check we are all following the strict guidelines for health and safety. We have not been visited yet but if these visits to schools are successful then I do hope that this will lead the way to a larger percentage attendance and allow for full teaching. If this information is not yet out, then I will be in touch as soon as we have the official and final notification.


A few weeks ago, I met three parents who have an initiative to recycle donated uniforms. One part of this project is to resell the uniform which is in a good quality condition in a second-hand sale to raise money for our nominated charities, in conjunction with the PTA. This is a great initiative for sustainability and one we wanted to support as a school. However, most of the uniform has the old BSF logo, which should no longer be in use, and so an alternative was needed. This uniform will now be sent to our suppliers to receive the Nord Anglia emblem used on the rest of the uniform so that it complies to our uniform regulations. Once these brilliant volunteers are prepared, we will announce future sales that you can attend and make purchases. We do hope this is a success.


Weekly Newsletter (23th of October 2020) - weekly-newsletter-23th-of-october-2020

Finally, I want to mention the amazing videos I watched this week, created by children in Years 3-6, for BCB’s got talent. I have to thank our primary music teacher Ms Silvia Bechara for the organisation of this event and the technology used to present and allow all students to vote. I hope that next week we will be able to share the chosen winners to you, but I have to congratulate all who made the finals for voting. We have some amazingly talented students solving the Rubik’s cube in well under a minute, coding to create games, singing, dancing and playing various musical instruments. Well done BCB Key Stage 2, you certainly do have talent!

Have a wonderful weekend.

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Warm regards,

Principal Nick West