Mr. Nick West
30 October, 2020

Weekly Newsletter (30th of October 2020)

Weekly Newsletter (30th of October 2020) Dear Parents, This week you will have received a notification about the potential return to school plans and if you have children across the different schools you will have received more than one letter. I wanted to just summarise the decisions for all the community. It is extremely positive news and the clearest indication yet that we are moving towards seeing everyone back in school in the near future.

Dear Parents,


This week you will have received a notification about the potential return to school plans and if you have children across the different schools you will have received more than one letter. I wanted to just summarise the decisions for all the community. It is extremely positive news and the clearest indication yet that we are moving towards seeing everyone back in school in the near future.


Year 11 and Year 13 are extremely important year groups as in this year these children will be sitting iGCSE and IB exams respectively. These are key academic outcomes to support their university applications and future careers. The students have a great deal of coursework and deadlines that need to be met so we feel it is vital, given the ability to return 70% of Years 11-13 full timetable, that we immediately give these exam year students the chance to be in school. So, we will have 100% of Year 11 and Year 13 in school every day.


There will be a further announcement on November 19th for next steps from the government so we will anticipate this and continue with our refreshed model until this date, then we will review our provision and share further news.


As we will have some secondary students in school, it means we will be using all the teachers and the shared spaces for socially distanced lessons. It does unfortunately mean that there can be no more 20% extracurricular activities for secondary students. Again, this will be up for review after this short period of time up to the 19th November.


For our primary students this has led to a slightly increased opportunity for them to experience the 20% extracurricular activities on a more regular basis. Mrs. Priestley and the Primary Leadership Team will be writing to our Early Years and Primary families soon, if not already, outlining the new rota. Essentially because we can have Primary children in for an afternoon or morning session, we are doubling their opportunity to be in school. We do hope as many as possible do take up this opportunity.


Please do take note of the slight changes next week:


Monday 2nd November – School closed
Tuesday 3rd November – Secondary school only closed (Staff training and school preparations)
Wednesday 4th November – all normal with Y11 and Y13 in school


We would also like to announce that from November 4th you will be able to request the school bus again, please do contact them should you require this service.


Please do enjoy your long weekend.


Don't miss out our weekly blogs! Click here: Primary BlogSecondary Blog.


Warm regards,

Principal Nick West