Mr. Nick West
05 March, 2021

BCB Weekly Newsletter - 5th of March 2021

BCB Weekly Newsletter - 5th of March 2021 Dear Parents, On Wednesday the Primary Leadership Team hosted an extremely successful Coffee Morning. We had listened to feedback and gathered questions before the meeting so we could answer the community questions we received. The team of Mrs. Priestley, Miss Mastrantone and Mr McDaniel, were all able to share experiences and expectations over the last four weeks since we have been attending school each day. We felt this structure worked extremely well and we will continue this for our future coffee mornings.

Dear Parents,

On Wednesday the Primary Leadership Team hosted an extremely successful Coffee Morning. We had listened to feedback and gathered questions before the meeting so we could answer the community questions we received. The team of Mrs. Priestley, Miss Mastrantone and Mr McDaniel, were all able to share experiences and expectations over the last four weeks since we have been attending school each day. We felt this structure worked extremely well and we will continue this for our future coffee mornings.

There were some key messages I took from their talk. Happiness, enjoyment, safety and normality were all key terms used to express what it meant for the children to be back in school on a much more regular basis, and for full days. They discussed the challenges faced by this new way of learning but how hard the teachers and families had worked and that it was improving. It is of course reviewed by the team on a weekly and daily basis, but it emphasised the need for strong partnership between home and school. Open communication allows individual concerns to be raised and answered and improvements made. We are looking at increasing time for our youngest students and will communicate to key groups about information in the future. With our 35% restriction still in place it means we have to carefully monitor regular attendance and evaluate a potential increase for certain groups. This happened this week with our Early Years who will have received some good news from Mrs. Priestley on Thursday. 

There was a fantastic video shared which you can watch by clicking here. Last week I encouraged parents to follow the Twitter account PrincipalBcb and I posted the video on Wednesday evening, ahead of the official release from school, and my followers suddenly doubled. To be fair, I still only have 11 parent followers, but it is an area I can tweet items I think are of interest to parents so do please follow if you want this type of ad hoc information.

Student card: Normally each year we have school photographs and the company provide us with student cards for each child. Unfortunately, this year we are unable to do school photographs so will not receive this benefit. We know that some of you use these regularly for discounts at cinemas etc. but we have checked, and a certificate of enrolment will work just the same. If you would like one of these certificates for the next academic year, please do email our school secretary mariana.cabral@britishcollegebrazil.org and she will facilitate this for you.

As you are aware the city has returned to the red zone, but it essentially means no change for us. You will receive a communication from our official Director, Priscilla Leal, explain in detail the regulations we are following. We do hope you find this useful. Also, there is a useful web address about the Sao Paulo plan, which if you haven’t seen is useful. If you use Google Chrome it will automatically offer translation.

Have a great weekend, albeit a more restricted one again. Let’s keep united and strong on this journey.

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Warm regards,

Principal Nick West