Mr. Nick West
28 May, 2021

BCB Weekly Newsletter (28th of May 2021)

BCB Weekly Newsletter (28th of May 2021) Dear Parents, Lots of information and news this week, please read on.

Dear Parents,

Lots of information and news this week, please read on.

Global Games – This is just a quick note to let you know that the Regional Event & Athletic team are well underway with the planning for Global Games 2022. Given the current circumstances, they want to get an early indication from families if they would be interested in this event taking place at the end of January 2022, all travel restrictions pending of course. We have been asked to gather thoughts of potential families involved. Thank you for completing this to support the preparation of this. Please note this survey should only be completed by those with children currently in Years 6, 7 and 8, therefore Years 7, 8 and 9 for the actual event. Click this link to complete the short survey.

Expressive Arts Week - Next week we are having a special Expressive Arts Week, inviting students to engage in creative activities, music, drama and dance experiences. There has been so much preparation by our teachers of the arts, and we can’t wait to see, hear and experience all this creativity.

As part of our BCB-Nord Anglia Collaboration with Juilliard we are having an online workshop for parents on Wednesday, 2nd of June, from 8-8:45am with our two curriculum specialists from Juilliard: Jono Waldman (Drama) and Steve Dunn (Music). The workshop will be about the Juilliard Approach and what the collaboration means for BCB. If you are interested in discovering more about the program, please join in this Google Meet link on the 2nd of June at 8 am.

School Closure Friday 4 th June Only – This is just a reminder that school will be open Monday to Thursday next week, inclusive. The Corpus Christi holiday was moved by the government to March when the state entered the purple phase. We had Thursday and Friday in our original school calendar but due to this enforced move we now only have Friday 4 th as a closure.

Campanha do agasalho – As I am sure you are aware this is a large campaign to collect winter clothes for those in need during these cold winter days and nights. Ms. Noemi Lopes, our Primary Portuguese Coordinator, has volunteered to organise school as a collection point. From Monday 31 st May, for two weeks, boxes will be available just inside the school gates for your children to drop off any winter clothes they may want to donate. This is a great charity so we hope all our staff and community will get involved.

Social Responsibility – I do mention this each week but with four weeks of school to go, I want to ask for us all to be extremely mindful of our shared responsibility. We currently and recently have had closure to secondary, and year groups in primary that have been due to families mixing outside of school. We cannot prevent this of course but we ask that if you are mixing at all, that you follow the same stringent methods we have in school to prevent the spread. As a reminder if you are within 1.5metres for more than 10-15 minutes, you become a close contact. Let’s keep everyone safe and school open.

Don't miss out our weekly blogs! Click here: Primary BlogSecondary Blog


Warm regards,

Principal Nick West