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News image The Mathematics Challenge Club - the-mathematics-challenge-club Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
The Mathematics Challenge Club
As we approach the middle of the school year, I’d like to take some time to explore what is happening within the mathematics department, in the classroom and with student’s at home.
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Inserindo a criança em práticas cotidianas de uso da Língua Portuguesa
Desde muito cedo queremos entender o porquê de tudo que fazemos e não há nada que nos motive mais do que um propósito. Pensando no aprendizado de um idioma, as situações cotidianas em que precisamos usá-lo se tornam muito propícias para que a criança veja sentido em falar, ler, escrever e interpretar o Português. Neste artigo e também em nosso workshop dia 15/02 às 9h da manhã, traremos algumas dicas que poderão ajudar os pais a estimular suas crianças nos diversos usos da Língua Portuguesa.
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Primary Expressive Arts Week
Como parte da semana de Expressive Arts do The British College of Brazil, na qual foram celebradas variadas formas de manifestação artística como: pintura, grafite, dança e música, o departamento de Língua Portuguesa selecionou o gênero textual Poema para ser trabalhado com as turmas do Primary e apresentado ao final da semana para todos os alunos em um sarau.
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News image Embedding the STEAM challenges in the science curriculum - embedding-the-steam-challenges-in-the-science-curriculum Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Embedding the STEAM challenges in the science curriculum
Summer has arrived in the southern hemisphere as well as the main rainy season of the year. The hottest season is known as the wettest one, which is to be expected. However, we have noticed that weather events have become more extreme over the years. In the context of extreme weather events, our secondary students have engaged in the STEAM challenges in collaboration between Nord Anglia and MIT.
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News image The Arts - the-arts Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The Arts
In the arts we are enjoying the experience of teaching and learning practical work again. Our students are doing a range of activities including; printing, perspective, painting, playing instruments, playing in ensembles and performing in front of an audience.
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News image Looking back on Term 1 - looking-back-on-term-1 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Looking back on Term 1
What an interesting and eventful first term it was! As we are now heading full gear into term 2, it’s always valuable to look back upon what we have done and achieved.
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News image 2022 Expressive Arts Week - 2nd edition - 2022-expressive-arts-week--2nd-edition News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
2022 Expressive Arts Week - 2nd edition
Next week, BCB's Primary Music and Arts departments will promote the 2nd edition of BCB Expressive Arts Week, from the 24th to the 28th of January. A week full of activities dedicated to the Arts.
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News image A New Year brings the start of the Extended Essay - a-new-year-brings-the-start-of-the-extended-essay Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
A New Year brings the start of the Extended Essay
January, the start of Term 2 and without doubt the most demanding period of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) for students and staff at BCB. For our IBDP2 cohort, the final deadlines of their controlled assessments arrive and as their courses finish revision picks up pace. For staff, alongside their usual workload comes the added need to mark and moderate assessed work. As well as plan interesting and worthwhile revision activities. It is also in the second term of the IBDP that the weight and expectations of the program become a reality for our IBDP1 cohort.
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News image The Power of Talk - the-power-of-talk Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
The Power of Talk
“Reading and writing float on a sea of talk” (James Britton, 1983) We are all aware of the benefits that talking with our children brings for them. Research suggests that children whose parents talk with them frequently hear about 45 million words in the first four years, in families that don’t talk as much children heard 13 million words. This is a stark difference you might say, however the news is not all bleak as more recent research tells us that it is not the quantity of words children are exposed to but the quality. A report for the Education Endowment Foundation on Early Language Development in October 2017 found that “The quality of input that children receive is likely to be more important than the quantity.” They found that “putting words together may be a better predictor of later abilities than the number of words that a child uses.”
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News image Black History Month at BCB - black-history-month-at-bcb Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Primary Blog
Black History Month at BCB
"As the EDI Champions at BCB, myself and Fabiano Gomes are working to build local awareness and dialogue, helping both students and staff to understand our local context, with the goal of "challenging our students to tackle inequality and promote diversity and inclusion in their young and adult lives."
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News image IGCSE Exams at BCB - igcse-exams-at-bcb Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
IGCSE Exams at BCB
In most international schools, Year 11 is considered to be one of the most important years on a student’s learning journey. This is the year in which students complete their Cambridge IGCSE exams. These exams can seem extremely formal but this also makes them rigorous and fair - in fact, they are often the first (but not the last) externally assessed exam that students take on their educational journey.
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News image Reports - Reading Between the Lines. - reports--reading-between-the-lines Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
Reports - Reading Between the Lines.
Our first academic reports of the year are almost upon us, an event that can sometimes lead to anxiety for pupils, parents and teachers. It shouldn’t be that way, however, if we all understand the purpose and content of school reports.
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News image Parent Teacher Conferences - Conversations that Matter - parent-teacher-conferences--conversations-that-matter Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Parent Teacher Conferences - Conversations that Matter
As parents, nothing is more important than our children’s academic performance and wellbeing at school. And so at BCB, we understand that having those communication lines open between parents and teachers is crucial to the continued success of our students.
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News image News Default Image Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
Raising and Educating Multilingual Children
Ah the joys of multilingualism! I will never forget the day one of my students answered the question: ‘where are you from?’ He was a very blond little boy, whose mother was English and father was Swedish. They spoke to him in Swedish and English at home. This little boy spoke English at school and learnt Mandarin as a second language. His nanny was Malaysian and spoke to him in Malay. His best friend was Korean and they sometimes communicated in Korean. When asked ‘where are you from?’, this little boy answered: ‘I’m from Singapore!’ After some initial confusion and a little investigating, I discovered he was born in Singapore, had lived there for 2 years before moving to Vietnam and then to Malaysia. He identified as a Singaporean more than as Swedish or British as he had never lived in either country.
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News image UNICEF World Children’s Day - unicef-world-childrens-day Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
UNICEF World Children’s Day
On Friday we marked UNICEF World Children’s Day with a non - uniform day whereby we all came dressed in blue to symbolise this special day. Amy Bater who is our Global Campus Lead has spent the last month raising awareness of this important and special annual event amongst students and teachers.
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News image Are you ready for the future? - are-you-ready-for-the-future Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Are you ready for the future?
Our Year 8s have been pondering upon how Pseudocode is the first step to learning the skills of programming and creating logic which is a great method for uncovering unclear decisions and defining all inputs, outputs and interactions needed to effectively solve a problem.
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News image Teamwork in the sunshine state - teamwork-in-the-sunshine-state Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Teamwork in the sunshine state
Ten students from BCB are on their way to the annual global games competition in January held exclusively for Nord Anglia Education schools across The Americas. They will compete in a range of sports, from flag football to track and field, and swimming to sand volleyball and I have the privilege of accompanying them.
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News image Multi-lingual Mnemonics - multi-lingual-mnemonics Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Multi-lingual Mnemonics
In the Y11 ESL classes, we were looking at spelling words and ways to learn new forms of vocabulary. We looked at several ways, from learning synanyms, to translating, to writing sentences in context and having dedicated vocabulary books. One of the more interesting ways to help us to remember words and spellings is by using mnemonics.  We found some of the examples we were given interesting and so I thought I wood share them here.
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News image The Power of Student Presence in Monologues and Soliloquies - the-power-of-student-presence-in-monologues-and-soliloquies Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
The Power of Student Presence in Monologues and Soliloquies
One of the many highlights so far this year has been studying Othello with the year 10s. No easy task, but with the momentum of energy created by the positive news of vaccinations, ease of restrictions and general global optimism have, I believe, been pivotal in the encouraging level of student engagement in classes this year.
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