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News image International School League - Futsal Competitions - international-school-league--futsal-competitions News
International School League - Futsal Competitions
Students from Year 4-6 recently took part in the ISL (International Schools League) Futsal competitions hosted by our friends at St. Francis's college. Teams competed against opposition from St Francis, St Nicholas, and St Pauls and gave a great account of themselves.
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News image Head of Primary Blog- Attendance Matters - head-of-primary-blog-attendance-matters Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Head of Primary Blog- Attendance Matters
Sometimes it feels like ages until we have our holidays from school, other times we seem to lots of holidays but the time we spend at school has a huge impact on how much formal education we have and how successful we are in reaching our goals.
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News image Head of Secondary Blog - head-of-secondary-blog Blog | artculture
Head of Secondary Blog
Here at The British College of Brazil (BCB) our first ever Year 12 cohort have started their IBDP journey and it is important that they both embrace the first year, have an open mind, take (healthy) risks and enjoy themselves!!!
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News image Head of Primary Blog - Enjoying the Process Over the Product - head-of-primary-blog--enjoying-the-process-over-the-product Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Head of Primary Blog - Enjoying the Process Over the Product
As teachers we want our students to be curious, to discover things and to investigate. If we want children to be excited about the world around them, they need the freedom to be fully immersed in the learning and to be engaged in following their own unique style they need to be engaged in the joy of doing rather than the final product.
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News image Head of Secondary Blog - Mental Health Workshop - head-of-secondary-blog--mental-health-workshop Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Head of Secondary Blog - Mental Health Workshop
On Monday The British College of Brazil (BCB) hosted a teenage mental health workshop with over 30 families attending hosted by Sandra Baldacci in order to raise awareness of mental well being among our pupils and how the school home partnership can function to look after them.
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News image Head of Primary Blog - Make the Ordinary Come Alive - head-of-primary-blog--make-the-ordinary-come-alive Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Head of Primary Blog - Make the Ordinary Come Alive
I hope we all had a wonderful long weekend last week and managed to find time just to be, to be playful and to enjoy a slower pace for a few days. I was fortunate enough to spend time in the countryside and to begin my exploration of this amazing country. I really took advantage of the peace and tranquility that being in nature can bring and I was reminded of a wonderful poem by William Martin*
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News image Head of Secondary Blog - head-of-secondary-blog Blog | artculture
Head of Secondary Blog
The highlight of the week in Secondary School was undoubtedly the bake sale organised by Ms. Mendes and the Social Events Committee!
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News image Head of Primary Blog - The Importance of Music - head-of-primary-blog--the-importance-of-music Blog | artculture
Head of Primary Blog - The Importance of Music
Why Music education is so important? Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, and life to everything… Without music, life would be an error. (Plato)
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News image The Global Games, The Americas, 2019 - the-global-games-the-americas-2019 News
The Global Games, The Americas, 2019
The Global Games, The Americas, is an exciting 5-day program packed with sports competitions, activities and the chance to make new friends from Nord Anglia’s schools across the region.
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News image Secondary Blog - secondary-blog Blog | artculture
Secondary Blog
The week in Secondary started with a superhero pose by all our Secondary Students as Ms Albanese had us all stand in a superhero stance for 5 minutes in assembly, which according to research makes for a successful day! Ms Albanese then spoke with the students about having a growth mindset and shared a funny story about her journey to finally passing her driving test.
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News image Year 8 - Parent Information Meeting. - year-8--parent-information-meeting Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 8 - Parent Information Meeting.
On Tuesday we hosted our year 8 parents information evening. The purpose of the event was to welcome parents and share the vision for secondary for this academic year.
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News image Primary News - First Week Update - primary-news--first-week-update Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Primary News - First Week Update
What a wonderful place schools are at the beginning of a new academic year with a sense of expectation and excitement. Laughter and smiles have filled our week here, as the children have been catching up with old friends and making new ones.
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News image Secondary News - First Week Update - secondary-news--first-week-update Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Secondary News - First Week Update
We have completed our first week back, full of energy, new faces and new challenges.
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News image Outstanding First IGCSE Results With a 100% Pass Rate! - outstanding-first-igcse-results-with-a-100-pass-rate News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Outstanding First IGCSE Results With a 100% Pass Rate!
Every Nord Anglia international school supports its students to achieve more than they may have thought possible. We believe there is no limit to what students can achieve socially, personally and academically. Last year, our students’ academic results reflected our shared commitment to excellence in this area.
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News image Year 2 at the museum - year-2-at-the-museum News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 2 at the museum
On Tuesday 25th June, Year 2 went to Inventolandia, a museum full of inventions!
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News image STEAM WEEK - Primary - Cidade Jardim - steam-week--primary--cidade-jardim News | steam
STEAM WEEK - Primary - Cidade Jardim
The STEAM week was great success and all of the children were active and engaged. The event demonstrated the creativity and talents of our children at the school.
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